“It's easy to learn. It's gentle on the body keeping it healthy and mobile. The beauty of the practice is ...... that it can also be done in the standing or sitting position. It helps people of all ages and agilities to stay active and healthy. Even more importantly, it is a re- energising practice. The words Qi means energy and Gong mean work, therefore it gives the body what it needs most as it ages - Energy. The philosophy of Qi Gong is to look after our own health, prevent dis-ease and improve overall wellbeing. It allows people to feel in control of their health. Prevention is the key to this practice. How do we prevent problems from arising? We move our bodies, we breathe deep and we remove stress, that’s what Qi Gong is all about. Deep breathing is good for you and is the key to healthy circulation of energy but deep breathing with movement is even better. All the movements are aimed at a correct and natural flow of body energy. The gentle movements help clear out stiffness, tension and tightness. Qi Gong is done slowly with intention. It’s mindfulness in motion which naturally calms the mind & strengthens the body. Health Benefits. Improves mobility & balance Induces sleep Boosts immune system Improves bone density Improves cardio and respiratory health. Relieves anxiety & depression

Wellness at work: What business wouldn't want a happy & healthy workforce? Qi Gong Wellness - Our wellness goal is to help members manage stress, maintain better health and feel more positive, productive and focused. Qi Gong in the workplace would allow employees to look after their own health & avoid the typical work – health related problems. Prioritising wellness has a positive impact on how people feel about work. THE PRACTICE Qi Gong is a moving mindful meditation & mind-body wellness practice. It incorporates movement, posture, breathing and awareness. The mindful meditative part of the practice takes care of mental health. The slow movements look after body health & the breathing aspect teaches slow breathing techniques. It can be done in a small space. It is suitable for all ages and physical conditions. It can also be done in the standing or seated position both indoors and outdoors. THE BENEFITS OF QI GONG BODY- On a physical level, Qi Gong consists of slow gentle movements designed to stimulates all the organs and meridians of the body. All of the movements are aimed at a correct and natural flow of vital energy. Qi Gong is working our energy and once our energy is strong and balanced, it has a knock-on effect on our general health. It transforms stress and tension into strength and vitality. Where there is tension and contraction, vital energy slows down so through the practice we re-energise the body & restore balance. BREATH- Qi Gong combines the movements with long slow breaths. The breath has much to offer & the way we breathe, directly affects the chemistry of our brains in a way that can enhance our attention and improve our brain health. A major reason why Qigong practice is so powerful is due to its combination of mindfulness with breathing. MIND- All of the slow movements of Qi Gong allow the mind to calm and relax thereby arriving to a meditative state through gentle movement. We all know how hard it is to sit and meditate to clear the mind but qi gong takes the hard work out of meditating yet achieving the same result. It clears the mind to feel centered & focused. Studies show that mindfulness reduces stress and anxiety & provides mental clarity. Qi Gong is focused mental training. HEALTH BENEFITS IMPROVES MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH CREATES PERSONAL WELLBEING IMPROVES WORK PRODUCTIVITY. IMPROVES FOCUS & CREATIVITY. REDUCES STRESS & BURNOUT HELPS CREATE A BETTER WORK ENVIROMENT PREVENTIVE MEDICINE

I began Qi Gong to be able to relax more, de-stress and get more peaceful, I have that and much more, This gently focused practice has brought me greater clarity of mind, quietening the inner chatter! Another big plus is increased strength & flexibility of movement. At the end of class, I feel wonderful. Everyone can benefit from Noreen's classes. She is an enthusiatic & inspiring teacher.

I highly recommend Noreen's classes. She is knowledgeable and passionate about Qi Gong. The classes have a relaxing welcoming feel where life's stresses can be left at the door. Thank you for introducing me to Qi Gong & encouraging me to continue on this amazing journey. If life is getting too much and your mind is continually overthinking, I throughly recommend spending time with Noreen in a Qi Gong class

My Qi Gong practice helps me to bring more awareness to what's happening in my body & my state of being & I can move out of these states in a gentle way using the sequences that I have learned ( The brocades & Animal forms) . I believe this ancient medicine, through movement benefits young and old to gain more autonomy over our own health and wellbeing. Noreen holds a safe space for all, with compassion & kindness